A number of workshops with local residents on topics ranging from sandbag construction, local plant biodiversity (at Edith Stephens Nature Reserve) and mural making activities took place during the PAWS project as part of our research process. For more on the mural process, please click here or watch this video.
Check back here for information on our various projects and updates on engagements. At the top of the page are our upcoming events, scroll down to explore past events.
19 February 2025 - Guardians of the Pond Workshop with school learners from Hyde Park Leadership College

1 February 2025 - Friends of Mitchell's Plain Stormwater Spaces discussion - Edith Stephens Nature Reserve

8 August 2024 - GAA from Eerste River and Ashton (seed broadcasting, Parks) visit to site to engage and hear from locals about their experiences
6 July 2024 - Visioning the space into the future workshop on site

24 April 2024 - Installation of cement weir with locals input as labor with our team

8 March 2024 - Seed broadcasting event with Parks and Biodiversity Branch

Feb 2024 - Workshop to introduce concept of Friends groups and invite input/participation
18 November 2023 - Community meeting, planning, visioning and community coalition building

July 2023 Planting Day

Come join us for a Plant knowledge workshop and garden plan discussion.
Mural launch event - come take part in planting and celebrating the mural.
Please join the ‘Pathways to water resilient South African cities (PaWS)’ project to launch our mural. The attached flyers serve to alert you to an event that is scheduled to take place on Saturday 26 November, from 10am to 12pm (both flyers are for the same event) - the formal launch of the mural that was painted as part of the project, and the activation of the space around the stormwater pond on Fulham Rd, Mitchells Plain (https://goo.gl/maps/iTFWKgNSxka5Do6KA).
We are inviting people to come and share their stories about the stormwater pond, or engage with us in activities and thinking about how this space has changed since we started working there in late 2019/early 2020. We will be serving light refreshments and installing picnic tables; and we will be doing a clean-up together with the research team and local residents, plus some planting along the base of the wall.
You are more than welcome to join for all or part of this event; we are looking forward to bringing together those who have been involved throughout the research process and to thank everyone for their input so far - and also to kick off the next phase of the project which formally started on 1 November.
The team of researchers from the PaWS project are preparing to facilitate the development of a mural at the detention pond in your neighbourhood. We will start painting soon . . .
This is a research study that aims to consider Pathways to water resilient South African cities. UCT researchers are working with colleagues from the University of Copenhagen, with the aim of identifying opportunities for integrating multiple functions into stormwater retention ponds, to provide uses beyond flood protection e.g. useful spaces to local residents. This part of the study aims to develop a MURAL that can explain this work and the importance of stormwater, as well as highlight the biodiversity here.
Since March 2022 we have been seeking permission from the residents whose walls we hoped to paint, and began laying the mural foundation colour on the walls. We are looking to create a mural that explains what we have done in the stormwater pond space, but also the biodiversity and benefits of the pond highlighting things like the birds and reptiles. In May we held a workshops where we invited local residents to join us in imagining the design for the mural. Since this workshop we have come to neighborhood houses to seek permission again and share drafts and plans for feedback. These plans have been submitted to the City of Cape Town for their permit process. We plan to start sketching out the drawing on 16 August 2022 in the morning. Then we will hold a community painting day on 20 August 2022 from 10-12. Please come join us for that?
Please just join us on 20 August if you are interested in being part of the painting process!!
If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact us at:
Whats App: 083 292 2647
Email: amber.abrams@uct.ac.za
We look forward to seeing you on 20 August 10 – 12
The study researchers are from the University of Cape Town Future Water research institute. You can talk to the researchers about any questions, concerns, or complaints you have about this project. If you wish to ask questions about the project or if you wish to voice any problems or concerns you may have about this research, please call UCT’s Future Water Institute, A/Prof. Kirsty Carden at 021 650 5317 or email kirsty.carden@uct.ac.za.
Come join us for a number of visits to further engage about the mural, seek permission signatures and share our process.
20 June - after 2pm - research visit with Copenhagen collaborators, and sharing of the mural brief with anyone interested
21 June - 9am - formal site visit linked to a workshop
25 June - 9am - researchers and artist team in the neighborhood to share the mural brief and seek permission to start painting
If you are interested in getting involved, please contact the research team via email: amber.abrams@uct.ac.za or WhatsApp: 083 292 2647 .
7 May 2022
COME JOIN US!!! on the PAWs Project Mural - 7 May 2022, 10am to 12pm
We are looking for local residents to get involved in the next steps, starting with a workshop at the site on 7 May when we invite you to join us to begin to imagine and design the mural.
Please contact us if you are interested in being part of the design or painting process:
WhatsApp: 083 292 2647 Email: amber.abrams@uct.ac.za http://www.futurewater.uct.ac.za/node/1260668
We look forward to seeing you on 7 May from 10am to 12pm at the pond site!!!
Click here for more information.
29 March 2022
Information Sheet for PAWs Project Mural
Study Title: Pathways to water resilient South African cities (PaWS)
We are preparing to develop a mural as part of the PaWS project. We have started with a base coat on some of the wall panels to attract input and interest. We explain our process below.
This is a research study that aims to consider Pathways to water resilient South African cities. UCT researchers are working with colleagues from the University of Copenhagen, with the aim of identifying opportunities for integrating nature-based solutions (NBS) into the urban water cycle to support a transition towards water resilience in South African cities. Nature-based solutions, like stormwater retention ponds, can provide options for managing excess rainfall, but can also be useful spaces to local residents.
The purpose of this study is to find ways to make South African cities more water resilient. This study is being conducted through the Future Water research institute at UCT. The aim of this part of the study is to develop a painted mural that can explain this work and the importance of stormwater, as well as highlight the biodiversity here. It is part of a larger research project in this area (ongoing since 2020) that explores how best to use nature-based solutions in stormwater management, and how the people living nearest to these solutions understand and are impacted by them.
We are planning a series of workshops to develop a mural in the space here. We are looking to create a mural that explains what we have done in the stormwater pond space, but also the biodiversity and benefits of the pond highlighting things like the birds and reptiles. It is important to note that we are starting this mural process, but we are looking for local residents to get involved. We provide an outline of planned activities:
- 29 March – Preparatory permission and painting day. We would like to seek permission from affected residents and lay the mural foundation with block colour on walls where permission is granted. We invite residents to get in touch with us if they are interested in being involved.
- 7 May – Workshop with as many local residents and other stakeholders as possible to co-design the artwork for the mural. The artist team is flexible in their approach and look forward to co-designing with local residents.
- Final artwork planned and application for mural permit from City of Cape Town (during May) – Confirm permissions and then arrange mural permit application process with the City.
- Early June (date tbc) – mural painting (weather dependant).
The paints are eco-friendly and colours are earthy tones.
Please contact us if you are interested in being part of the design or painting process:
Whats App: 083 292 2647
Email: amber.abrams@uct.ac.za
The study researchers are from the University of Cape Town Future Water research institute. You can talk to the researchers about any questions, concerns, or complaints you have about this project. If you wish to ask questions about the project or if you wish to voice any problems or concerns you may have about this research, please call UCT’s Future Water Institute, A/Prof. Kirsty Carden at 021 650 5317 or email kirsty.carden@uct.ac.za.