Year | Type | Author(s) | Title |
2025 | Journal Article | Oyshi, FH., Czelusniak, E., Ahmed, R., Verweij, NM., Arefeen, A., Abrams, A., Carden, K., Carrasquillo, ME. | An Investigative Analysis of Grassroots Environmental Justice Principles in Green Stormwater Infrastructure in USA and RSA. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. Volume 105, March (2025) 128721. |
2025 | Journal Article | Mguni, P., Byskov Herslund, L., Abrams, AL., Carden, K., Tanyanyiwa, C., McLachlan, J., Schneuwly, R., Armitage, N. | Scaling deep at the margins: coproduction of nature-based solutions as decolonial research praxis in Cape Town. NPJ Urban Sustainability 5,1 (2025). |
2025 | Journal Article | Ahmed, T., Arora, S., Bhavsar, D., Carden, K., Bharmal, A., Dwivedi, A., Jahan, H., Kaupp, R., Mansuri, A., Medlicott, K., Mumba, N., Narayan, A., Pireh, H., Ronoh, P., Willetts, J., Yadav, U. | Discussion Paper: Climate resilient urban sanitation: From ideas to action. IWA Publishing. |
2025 | Journal Article | Gutu, L., Ngobeni, P., Ayinde, WB., Ikumi, D., Mkilima, T., Basitere, .M | Exploring the reuse of high-fat abattoir wastewater through sequential biological treatment in South Africa. Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering. Volume 11, June 2025, 101158. |
2025 | Journal Article | Wilson, A., Black, G., Petersen, L., Dick, L., Ncube, S., Mpofu-Mketwa, T., Abrams, A., Carden, K., Piper, L., Dickie, J., Hamilton-Smith, N., Lamb, G. |
Place-pedagogies of water stress. Global Social Challenges Journal. Pages 1-33 |
2025 | Journal Article | Tanyanyiwa, C.T.; Armitage, N.P.; Okedi, J. | The Hydrological Impacts of Retrofitted Detention Ponds for Urban Managed Aquifer Recharge in the Cape Flats, South Africa. MDPI Water |
2024 | Journal Article | Visser, M., Mulwa, C., Gitonga, Z., & Baard, M | Weather uncertainty and demand for information in technology adoption: Case of Namibia. Journal of Behavioural and Experimental Economics. |
2024 | Journal Article | Thewlis. G., Armitage. N. | Improving the water quality in the Zandvlei Estuary, Cape Town, by retrofitting sustainable drainage systems in the Diep River Catchment. Water SA 50(4) 365-383. |
2024 | Journal Article | Shrikhande, SS., Ravivarman, L., Röösli, M., Dalvie, MA., Utzinger, J., Cissé, G. | A review of climate change and cardiovascular diseases in the Indian policy context. Health Policy and Planning, 00:1-16 |
2024 | Journal Article | Horn, E.J., Huddy, R., Randall, D.G. | Seeding improves the strength of bio-tiles grown with microbially induced calcium carbonate precipitation. Science of The Total Environment. |
2024 | Policy brief | Mabhaudhi, T., Hlahla, S., Mojapelo, M., Dlamini C., Podisi, B., Nhamo L., Mpandeli, S., Madzivhandila T. and Slotow, R. |
Diversifying the Agrifood System in South Africa: Mainstreaming neglected and underutilised crop species (NUS). Pietermaritzburg: Centre for Transformative Agricultural and Food Systems of the University of KwaZulu-Natal. |
2024 | Journal article | Terrile, R., Martinez, N., Paz, N., Winter, K. and Tornaghi, C. 2024. | |
2024 | Journal article | Baderoon, M. and Winter, K., 2024. | Groundwater contaminant fluctuation at a landfill: a case study of the Coastal Park Landfill, Cape Town. |
2024 | Journal article | Simha. P, Courtney. C and Randall. DG | An urgent call for using real human urine in decentralized sanitation research and advancing protocols for preparing synthetic urine. |
2024 | Journal article | Makgoba, .L, Abrams. A, Röösli, M., Cissé, G., and Dalvie, MA. | DDT contamination in water resources of some African countries and its impact on water quality and human health. |
2024 | Journal article | Cohen, J., Høybye , M. , and Abrams, A. | |
2024 | Journal article | Abrams, A., Asmall, T., Hlahla, S., Carden, K. & Dalvie, M.A., | Method and process towards developing a Health Vulnerability Index (HVI) for Extreme Weather Events (EWEs) for local residents in South Africa. |
2024 | Journal article | Arinaitwe, M. & Okedi, J. | IoT-based data and analytic hierarchy process to map groundwater recharge with stormwater. |
2024 | Journal article | Maraj, K., Winter, K., Harrison, S.T. L. | |
2024 | Journal article | Mogano, M.M, & Okedi, J. | Towards a water sensitive precinct with stormwater harvesting, a case study in South Africa. IWA publication. Water Supply (2024) |
2024 | Journal article | Brown, L, & Armitage, N. | Evaluating the potential for denitrification in permeable interlocking concrete pavements. Water SA 50 (3) 253-260 |
2024 | Journal article | Cole, MJ. | A Mine Closure Risk Rating System for South Africa. Mining, 4, 58-78. |
2024 | Journal article | Visser, M., le Roux, L.& Mulwa, Chalmers K. & Tibesigwa, Byela & Bezabih, Mintewab | Adaptive investment with land tenure and weather risk: Behavioral evidence from Tanzania. |
2024 | Journal article | Arve, P.H., Mason, M., Randall, D.G., Simha, P., Popat, S.C. | |
2023 | Book chapter | Flores-Alsina X, Solon K, Feldman H, Kazadi-Mbamba C, Fernández-Arévalo T, Grau P, Jeppsson U, Ikumi D, Gernaey K, Batstone D | Implementation in plant-wide models. Generalised Physicochemical Model (PCM) for Wastewater Processes. IWA Publishing, London. |
2023 | Book chapter | Abrams, A., Cohen, J., Dannreuther, C. and Fraundorfer, M. | Process: From kin to thing – The environmental and human death zones of European waters. Chapter 4, in Minority and Indigenous Trends 2023: Focus on Water. Minority Rights Group International, London, United Kingdom. |
2023 | Book chapter | Visser, M., & Child, A. | The announcement effect: Early warnings of future thresholds under different framing and risk contexts. Chapter 11, Pg 224-246 in Behavioural Economics and the Environment. |
2022 | Book chapter | Fayemiwo, O. & Carden, K. | Emerging contaminants: Approaches for policy and regulatory responses in low-income countries. Chapter 19, Pg 343-352 in Gwenzi, W. (ed), Emerging contaminants in Terrestrial and Aquatic Environments: Occurrence, Health risks and Mitigation. Elsevier. |
2022 | Book chapter | X Flores-Alsina, K Solon, H Feldman, C Kazadi-Mbamba, T Fernandez-Arevalo, P Grau, U Jeppsson, D Ikumi, KV Gernaey, DJ Batstone | Implementation in Plant-wide models. Chapter 6, pp 61-76, in D Batstone, X Flores-Alsina, Generalized Physicochemical Model (PCM) for Wastewater Processes. Scientific and Technical Report Series No. 29. IWA Publishing, London, United Kingdom. ISBN 9781780409832 |
2022 | Journal article | Klege, R.A., Amuaka-Mensah, F., and Visser, M., | Tenancy and energy choices in Rwanda. A replication and extension study. World Development Perspectives, Volumne 26, 100429 |
2022 | Journal article | Klege, R.A., Visser, M., Datta, S., and Darling, M. | The Power of Nudging: Using Feedback, Competition, and Responsibility Assignment to Save Electricity in a Non- residential Setting. Environmental and Resource Economics, Volumne 81, pages 573–589 |
2021 | Book | Swatuk, L., Brill, G., Büchner-Marais, C., Carden, K., Conradie, E., Day, J., Fatch, J., Fell, J., Hara, M. & Ncube, B. (eds) | Towards the Blue-Green city: Building urban water resilience. WRC Report no. SP 153/21. Water Research Commission, Pretoria, South Africa. |
2021 | Book chapter | Fell, J. & Carden, K. | A renewed technical agenda for integrated urban water management. Chapter 3, Pg 46-76, in Swatuk, L., Brill, G., Büchner-Marais, C., Carden, K., Conradie, E., Day, J., Fatch, J., Fell, J., Hara, M. & Ncube, B. (eds), Towards the Blue-Green city: Building urban water resilience. WRC Report no. SP 153/21. Water Research Commission, Pretoria, South Africa. ISBN 978-0-6392-0317-1. |
2021 | Book chapter | C Buchner-Marais, G Brill, C Lewis, M Visser | The Economics of water: values and governance perspectives. Chapter 4 in Swatuk, L., Brill, G., Büchner-Marais, C., Carden, K., Conradie, E., Day, J., Fatch, J., Fell, J., Hara, M. & Ncube, B. (eds), Towards the Blue-Green city: Building urban water resilience. WRC Report no. SP 153/21. Water Research Commission, Pretoria, South Africa. ISBN 978-0-6392-0317-1. |
2021 | Book chapter | Sanya, T., & Shefer, D. | Water-Sensitive Design for Climate Resilience: Grounded Lessons from Cape Town. The Palgrave Handbook of Climate Resilient Societies, 287-320 |
2021 | Journal article | Gwenzi W, Chaukura N, Muisa-Zikali N, Teta C, Musvuugwa T, Rzymski P, Abia A.L.K.A | Insects, Rodents, and Pets as Reservoirs, Vectors, and Sentinels of Antimicrobial Resistance. Antibiotics, 2021, 10 (1). |
2021 | Journal article | T Asmall, A Abrams, M Röösli, G Cissé, K Carden, MA Dalvie | The adverse health effects associated with drought in Africa. Science of The Total Environment 793, 148500 |
2021 | Journal article | Niki A Rust, Lucia Rehackova, Francis Naab, Amber Abrams, Courtney Hughes, Bethann Garramon Merkle, Beth Clark, Sophie Tindale | What does the UK public want farmland to look like? |
2020 | Book chapter | Chitonge, H., Mokoena, A. and Kongo, M., | Water and Sanitation Inequality in Africa: Challenges for SDG 6. In Africa and the Sustainable Development Goals Springer, Cham, 207 - 218. |
2020 | Journal article | Chipako, T.L., Randall, D.G. | Urine treatment technologies and the importance of pH. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 8. 2020. |
2020 | Journal article | Abrams, A., Falkenberg, T., Rautenbach, C., Moshabela, M., Shezi, B. van Ellewee, S., Street, R. | The legislative landscape for Traditional Health Practitioners in Southern African Development Community Countries: a scoping review. |
2020 | Journal article | Ikumi, D.S. and Harding, T.H., | Kinetics of biological and chemical processes in anoxic-aerobic digestion of phosphorus rich waste activated sludge. Water Research, 171(2020). |
2020 | Journal article | Chipako, T.L and Randall, D.G | Investigating the feasibility and logistics of a decentralized urine treatment and resource recovery system. Journal of Water Process Engineering |
2020 | Journal article | Gulamhussein, M and Randall, D.G | Design and operation of plant microbial fuel cells using municipal sludge. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 38, p.101653. |
2020 | Journal article | Cole, M.J and Broadhurst J.L | Mapping and classification of mining host communities: a case study of South Africa. The Extractive Industries and Society, 7 (3), p 954-964. |
2020 | Journal article | Kredo T, Cooper S, Abrams A, Muller J, Schmidt, BM, Volmink J, abd Atkins S. | The legislative landscape for Traditional Health Practitioners in Southern African Development Community Countries: a scoping review. MBJ Journals |
2020 | Journal article | Kredo T, Cooper S, Abrams A, Muller J, Schmidt, B.M, Volmink J, and Atkins S. | ‘Building on shaky ground’—challenges to and solutions for primary care guideline implementation in four provinces in South Africa: a qualitative study. |
2020 | Journal article | Cole, M.J and Broadhurst J.L | Measuring the sustainable development goals (SDGs) in mining host communities: A South African case study. Science Direct Journal. |
2020 | Journal article | Sanya, T | Freshwater: Towards a Better Understanding of a Wicked Problem. International Journal of Environmental Science & Sustainable Development |
2019 | Journal article | Street R., Moshabela M, Nzimande Abrams A, | Medical pluralism in Africa: defining traditional health practitioners to ‘fit’ conventional healthcare systems. DOI: 10.1080/00020184.2020.1793662 |
2019 | Book | Harrison, S, Carden, K, Abrams, A, and Broadhurst, J (eds). | Regenerative Water Futures. Cape Town: Juta. |
2019 | Book | Nagao, M., Broadhurst,J., Edusah,S. and Awere,K. | Sustainable Development in Africa Vol 2: Concepts and Methodological Approaches. Spears Media Press. |
2019 | Book | Chitonge, H. and Mine, Y. eds., | Land, the State and the Unfinished Decolonisation Project in Africa: Essays in Honour of Professor Sam Moyo. Langaa RPCIG. |
2019 | Book chapter | Chitonge, H | Customary Land in Zambia: The New Scramble and the Evolving Socio-political Relations. In Reclaiming Africa (pp. 203-223). Springer, Singapore |
2019 | Book chapter | Abrams, A | The Importance of Relationships when considering water policy and practices. Pp. 64 – 68. In Harrison, S., Carden, K., Abrams, A., Broadhurst, J. (eds.) & Mostert, H. (series editor) (2019). Regenerative water futures: Tensions around water scarcity and the mining industry. Mineral Law in Africa Occasional Paper Series, Issue 4. Juta, Cape Town. ISBN 978-1-48513-414-5. |
2019 | Book chapter | Kudo, S., Kapfudzaruwa, F., Broadhurst, J.L., Edusah, S.E., Awere, K.G., Matsuyama, K., Nagao, M. and Mino, T., | Moving towards Transdisciplinarity: Framing Sustainability Challenges in Africa. Sustainable Development in Africa: Concepts and Methodological Approaches, 5, p.1. |
2019 | Book chapter | Carden, K. | Enabling Regenerative Water Futures Through Developing Communities of Practice. pp. 10 -13. In Harrison, S., Carden, K., Abrams, A., Broadhurst, J. (eds.) & Mostert, H. (series editor) (2019). Regenerative water futures: Tensions around water scarcity and the mining industry. Mineral Law in Africa Occasional Paper Series, Issue 4. Juta, Cape Town. ISBN 978-1-48513-414-5. |
2019 | Book chapter | Chitonge, H. | Managing Scarce Water Resources: A shared value approach. Pp 68-69.In Harrison, S., Carden, K., Abrams, A., Broadhurst, J.(eds.) & Mostert, H. (series editor) (2019). Regenerative water futures: Tensions around water scarcity and the mining industry. Mineral Law in Africa Occasional Paper Series, Issue 4. Juta, Cape Town. ISBN 978-1-48513-414-5. |
2019 | Book chapter | Cole, M. | Water Access, Water Use and Mining in South Africa. Pp5 – 10 In Harrison, S., Carden, K., Abrams, A., Broadhurst, J. (eds.) & Mostert, H. (series editor) (2019). Regenerative water futures: Tensions around water scarcity and the mining industry. Mineral Law in Africa Occasional Paper Series, Issue 4. Juta, Cape Town. ISBN 978-1-48513-414-5. |
2019 | Book chapter | Harrison, S. | A Regenerative Water Future – a means to reducing tensions around water, especially in mining regions. Pp iv - 1 In Harrison, S., Carden, K., Abrams, A., Broadhurst, J. (eds.) & Mostert, H. (series editor) (2019). Regenerative water futures: Tensions around water scarcity and the mining industry. Mineral Law in Africa Occasional Paper Series, Issue 4. Juta, Cape Town. ISBN 978-1-48513-414-5. |
2019 | Book chapter | Harrison, S. | The Re-Use of Water: Insights into multiple water use scenarios and the Waste Water Biorefinery – from sanitation to mine water. Pp 35 – 38. In Harrison, S., Carden, K., Abrams, A., Broadhurst, J. (eds.) & Mostert, H. (series editor) (2019). Regenerative water futures: Tensions around water scarcity and the mining industry. Mineral Law in Africa Occasional Paper Series, Issue 4. Juta, Cape Town. ISBN 978-1-48513-414-5. |
2019 | Book chapter | Harrison, S. Chicksen, B. | Water as a Central Player in Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Pp 2 - 3 In Harrison, S., Carden, K., Abrams, A., Broadhurst, J. (eds.) & Mostert, H. (series editor) (2019). Regenerative water futures: Tensions around water scarcity and the mining industry. Mineral Law in Africa Occasional Paper Series, Issue 4. Juta, Cape Town. ISBN 978-1-48513-414-5. |
2019 | Book chapter | Hugo, P. D.W and Broadhurst, J. | Water Accounting and Assessment for Mining Water Management: Key problems and future directions. Pp 22 – 24. In Harrison, S., Carden, K., Abrams, A., Broadhurst, J. (eds.) & Mostert, H. (series editor) (2019). Regenerative water futures: Tensions around water scarcity and the mining industry. Mineral Law in Africa Occasional Paper Series, Issue 4. Juta, Cape Town. ISBN 978-1-48513-414-5. |
2019 | Book chapter | Mkhonza, A. | Mining in Strategic Water Source Areas – Are our laws ready? Pp 13 – 16. In Harrison, S., Carden, K., Abrams, A., Broadhurst, J. (eds.) & Mostert, H. (series editor) (2019). Regenerative water futures: Tensions around water scarcity and the mining industry. Mineral Law in Africa Occasional Paper Series, Issue 4. Juta, Cape Town. ISBN 978-1-48513-414-5. |
2019 | Book chapter | Mkhonza, A. | Improving the legal protection of strategic water source areas: a South African perspective. In Law| Environment| Africa (pp. 453-478). Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG. |
2019 | Book chapter | Owen, G. | Opportunities at the interface between wastewater recycling for potable uses and user acceptance: why meaningful engagement is critical. Pp 60 – 62. In Harrison, S., Carden, K., Abrams, A., Broadhurst, J. (eds.) & Mostert, H. (series editor) (2019). Regenerative water futures: Tensions around water scarcity and the mining industry. Mineral Law in Africa Occasional Paper Series, Issue 4. Juta, Cape Town. ISBN 978-1-48513-414-5. |
2019 | Book chapter | Sanya, T. | Mining Towns and Liveable Neighborhoods. Pp 46 – 48. In Harrison, S., Carden, K., Abrams, A., Broadhurst, J. (eds.) & Mostert, H. (series editor) (2019). Regenerative water futures: Tensions around water scarcity and the mining industry. Mineral Law in Africa Occasional Paper Series, Issue 4. Juta, Cape Town. ISBN 978-1-48513-414-5. |
2019 | Book chapter | Solomon, M. | An Economically Sustainable Integrated Biomass Energy Powered Water Purification Model for the Treatment of Large Volumes of Acid Mine Drainage. Pp 40 – 46. In Harrison, S., Carden, K., Abrams, A., Broadhurst, J. (eds.) & Mostert, H. (series editor) (2019). Regenerative water futures: Tensions around water scarcity and the mining industry. Mineral Law in Africa Occasional Paper Series, Issue 4. Juta, Cape Town. ISBN 978-1-48513-414-5. |
2019 | Book chapter | Verster, B. and Carden, K. | Sanitation, the Circular Economy and Mining: A case for regenerative resource cycles. Pp 62 – 64. In Harrison, S., Carden, K., Abrams, A., Broadhurst, J. (eds.) & Mostert, H. (series editor) (2019). Regenerative water futures: Tensions around water scarcity and the mining industry. Mineral Law in Africa Occasional Paper Series, Issue 4. Juta, Cape Town. ISBN 978-1-48513-414-5. |
2019 | Book chapter | Winter, K. | Measuring and Monitoring Surface Water in South Africa: The imperative to act. Pp 51 – 53. In Harrison, S., Carden, K., Abrams, A., Broadhurst, J. (eds.) & Mostert, H. (series editor) (2019). Regenerative water futures: Tensions around water scarcity and the mining industry. Mineral Law in Africa Occasional Paper Series, Issue 4. Juta, Cape Town. ISBN 978-1-48513-414-5. |
2019 | Book chapter | Broadhurst, J.L. | The contribution of mining to clean water and sanitation (SDG 6): Case studies from South Africa. Education for Sustainable Development in Africa Workshop Series, Vol 1: Case Studies of Africa’s Sustainable Development |
2019 | Book chapter | Stander, H-M. & Broadhurst, J.L. | Reflections on method of expert interviews for research on sustainable development of mineral resources in Africa. Education for Sustainable Development in Africa Workshop Series Vol 2: Sustainable Development Research in Africa: Concepts, Theory and Methods. |
2019 | Book chapter | Sinclair-Smith, K. and Winter, K., | Water demand management in Cape Town: managing water security in a changing climate. Mainstreaming Climate Change in Urban Development: Lessons from Cape Town. |
2019 | Journal article | McCall, B., Burton, J., Marquard, A., Hartley, F., Ahjum, F., Ireland, G. and Merven, B., | Least-cost integrated resource planning and cost-optimal climate change mitigation policy: Alternatives for the South African electricity system. Energy Research. |
2019 | Journal article | Taing, L., Chang, C.C., Pan, S. and Armitage, N.P., | Towards a water secure future: reflections on Cape Town’s Day Zero crisis. Urban Water Journal, pp.1-7. |
2019 | Journal article | Olaniyan, T., Dalvie, M.A., Röösli, M., Naidoo, R., Künzli, N., de Hoogh, K., Parker, B., Leaner, J. and Jeebhay, M., | Asthma‐related outcomes associated with indoor air pollutants among schoolchildren from four informal settlements in two municipalities in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. Indoor air, 29(1), pp.89-100. |
2019 | Journal article | Fell, J., Pead, J., Winter, K. and Aziz, F., | Advancing surface water flow measurement with low-cost smart sensors. IMIESA, 44(2), pp.44-47. |
2019 | Journal article | Ikumi, D.S. and Ekama, G.A., | Plantwide modelling–anaerobic digestion of waste sludge from parent nutrient (N and P) removal systems. Water SA, 45(3), pp.305-316. |
2019 | Journal article | Lambert, S.E. and Randall, D.G., | Manufacturing bio-bricks using microbial induced calcium carbonate precipitation and human urine. Water research, 160, pp.158-166. |
2019 | Journal article | Madonsela, B., Koop, S., Van Leeuwen, K. and Carden, K., | Evaluation of Water Governance Processes Required to Transition towards Water Sensitive Urban Design—An Indicator Assessment Approach for the City of Cape Town. Water, 11(2), p.292. |
2019 | Journal article | Marais, T.S., Huddy, R., Harrison, S.T.L. and van Hille, R. | Demonstration of simultaneous biological sulphate reduction and partial sulphide oxidation in a hybrid linear flow channel reactor. bioRxiv, 569269 |
2019 | Journal article | Mjonono, D., Harrison, S.T.L. and Kotsiopoulos, A., | Supplementing structural integrity of waste rock piles through improved packing protocols to aid acid rock drainage prevention strategies. Minerals Engineering, 135, pp.13-20. |
2019 | Journal article | Gobin, A., Sparks, D., Okedi, J., Armitage, N. and Ahjum, F., | Assessing the energy and carbon footprints of exploiting and treating brackish groundwater in Cape Town. Water SA, 45(1), pp.63-74. |
2019 | Journal article | G. Owen, A. Abrams, K. Carden, C. Selala, B. Verster & S. Harrison. | Exploring the socio-hydrological assessment of two small municipalities in the Western Cape. Water Wheel 18(5): 34 – 36. ISSN: 0258:224 |
2019 | Journal article | Goldin, J., Botha, J., Koatla, T., Anderson, J., Owen, G. & Lebese, A. | Towards a gender sensitive vulnerability assessment for climate change: Lambani, Limpopo Province, South Africa. Journal of Human Geography. Volume 12. Number 1. |
2019 | Journal article | Oodally, A., Gulamhussein, M. and Randall, D.G., | Investigating the performance of constructed wetland microbial fuel cells using three indigenous South African wetland plants. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 32, p.100930. |
2019 | Journal article | Ebrahim, W. and Randall, D.G., | Implications of different toilet flushing solutions on the precipitation potential of urine. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 31, p.100847. |
2019 | Journal article | Bolton, C.R. and Randall, D.G., | Development of an integrated wetland microbial fuel cell and sand filtration system for greywater treatment. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 7(4), p.103249. |
2019 | Journal article | Chipako, T.L. and Randall, D.G., | Urinals for water savings and nutrient recovery: a feasibility study. Water SA, 45(2), pp.266-277. |
2019 | Journal article | O'Farrell, P., Anderson, P., Culwick, C., Currie, P., Kavonic, J., McClure, A., ... Sanya, T. & Audouin, M. | Towards resilient African cities: Shared challenges and opportunities towards the retention and maintenance of ecological infrastructure. Global Sustainability, 2. |
2019 | Conference paper | Abrams, A., O’Neil, T. and Verster, B. | STEMS2ifying Citizen Science and Interactive Engagements. REES (RESEARCH IN ENGINEERING EDUCATION) Conference (10 – 12 July 2019). Peer reviewed paper completed, unable to attend conference. |
2019 | Technical report | Robertson, A., Armitage, N. and Zuidgeest, M.H.P., | Stormwater runoff quality on an urban highway in South Africa. Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering, 61(2), pp.51-56. |
2019 | Technical report | G. Owen, K. Carden, C. Selala, A. Abrams, B. Verster & S. Harrison. | Prince Albert Municipality: A socio-hydrological assessment of water scarcity. SALGA position paper and summary report. August 2019 |
2019 | Technical report | G. Owen, K. Carden, C. Selala, A. Abrams, B. Verster & S. Harrison | Swartland Municipality: A socio-hydrological assessment of water scarcity. SALGA position paper and summary report. August 2019 |
2019 | Technical report | Gulamhussein, Oodally, A., M., Stevenson, J., Bhagwan, B., Randall, D.G., | Turning municipal sludge beds into bio-power plants using sedimentation microbial fuel cells, Water Research Commission, Private Bag, X03, Gezina, 0031, South Africa. |
2019 | Technical report | Lambert, S., Mukhari, V., Randall, D.G., | A nature inspired approach for producing bio-cements from urine – a continuation, Water Research Commission, Private Bag, X03, Gezina, 0031, South Africa. |
2018 | Book chapter | Pott, R.W.M., Johnstone-Robertson, M., Verster, B., Rumjeet, S., Nkadimeng, L., Raper, T., Rademeyer, S., & Harrison, S.T.L. | Wastewater biorefineries: integrating water treatment and value recovery. The Nexus: Energy, Environment and Climate Change. Springer |
2018 | Journal article | Mannina, G., Cosenza, A. & Ekama, G. | Mathematical modelling of greenhouse gas emissions from membrane bioreactors: A comprehensive comparison of two mathematical models. Bioresource technology 268, 107-115 |
2018 | Journal article | Mannina, G., Capodici, M., Cosenza, A., Di Trapani, D. & Ekama, G.A. | Solids and Hydraulic Retention Time Effect on N2O Emission from Moving-Bed Membrane Bioreactors. Chemical Engineering & Technology 41 (7), 1294-1304 |
2018 | Journal article | Mannina, G., Cosenza, A. & Ekama, G.A. | A comprehensive integrated membrane bioreactor model for greenhouse gas emissions. Chemical Engineering Journal 334, 1563-1572 |
2018 | Journal article | Ziervogel, G. | Climate adaptation and water scarcity in Southern Africa. Current History |
2018 | Journal article | Ahjum, F., Merven, B., Cullis, J., Goldstein, G., DeLaquil, P. & Stone, A. | Development of a national water-energy system model with emphasis on the power sector for South Africa. Environmental Progress and Sustainable Energy 37(1), 132-147 |
2018 | Journal article | Jordhus-Lier, D., Saaghus, A., Scott, D. & Ziervogel, G. | Adaptation to flooding, pathway to housing or ‘wasteful expenditure’? Governance configurations and local policy subversion in a flood-prone informal settlement in Cape Town. Geoforum |
2018 | Journal article | Ncongwane, M.C., Broadhurst, J.L. & Petersen, J. | Assessment of the potential carbon footprint of engineered processes for the mineral carbonation of PGM tailings. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 77, 70-81 |
2018 | Journal article | Mannina, G., Capodici, M., Cosenza, A., Di Trapani, D. & Ekama, G.A. | The effect of the solids and hydraulic retention time on moving bed membrane bioreactor performance. Journal of Cleaner Production 170, 1305-1315 |
2018 | Journal article | Mannina, G., Ekama, G.A., Capodici, M., Cosenza, A., Di Trapani, D., Ødegaard, H. & van Loosdrecht, M.M. | Influence of carbon to nitrogen ratio on nitrous oxide emission in an Integrated Fixed Film Activated Sludge Membrane BioReactor plant. Journal of Cleaner Production 176, 1078-1090 |
2018 | Journal article | Randall, D.G. & Naidoo, V. | Urine: the liquid gold of wastewater. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 6 (2), 2627-2635. |
2018 | Journal article | Flanagan, C.P. & Randall, D.G. | Development of a novel nutrient recovery urinal for on-site fertilizer production. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 6 (5),6344-6350. |
2018 | Journal article | Henze, J. & Randall, D.G. | Microbial induced carbonate precipitation at elevated pH values. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 6(4), 5008-5013. |
2018 | Journal article | Mannina, G., Ekama, G.A., Capodici, M., Cosenza, A., Di Trapani, D. & Ødegaard, H. | Integrated fixed-film activated sludge membrane bioreactors versus membrane bioreactors for nutrient removal: A comprehensive comparison. Journal of Environmental Management 226, 347-357 |
2018 | Journal article | Pike, S.M., van Zyl, J.E. & Clayton, C.R. | Scouring Damage to Buried Pipes Caused by Leakage Jets: Experimental Study. Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice 9 (4), 04018020 |
2018 | Journal article | Randall, D.G., Nathoo, J. | Resource recovery by freezing: a thermodynamic comparison between a reverse osmosis brine, seawater and stored urine. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 26 (2018) 242-249. |
2018 | Journal article | Pan, S.M., Armitage, N.P. & van Ryneveld, M. | Assessing equity: a way to improve sanitation service delivery in South African informal settlements. Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development, 08.3, 429-438 |
2018 | Journal article | Sheni, N., Corin, K. & Wiese, J. | Considering the effect of pulp chemistry during flotation on froth stability. Minerals Engineering 116, 15-23 |
2018 | Journal article | Kotsiopoulos, A. & Harrison, S.T. | Co-disposal of benign desulfurised tailings with sulfidic waste rock to mitigate ARD generation: Influence of flow and contact surface. Minerals Engineering 116, 62-71 |
2018 | Journal article | Song, Z.G., Corin, K.C., Wiese, J.G. & O'Connor, C.T. | Effect of different grinding media composition on the flotation of a PGM ore. Minerals Engineering 124, 74-76 |
2018 | Journal article | Liu, J., Long, H., Corin, K.C. & O'Connor, C.T. | A study of the effect of grinding environment on the flotation of two copper sulphide ores. Minerals Engineering 122, 339-345 |
2018 | Journal article | Meyer, G., Frossard, E., Mäder, P., Nanzer, S., Randall, D.G., Udert, K.M. & Oberson, A. | Water soluble phosphate fertilizers for crops grown in calcareous soils – an outdated paradigm for recycling phosphorus fertilizers? Plant and Soil 424 (1-2), 367-388 |
2018 | Journal article | Cullis, J.D.S., Walker, N.J., Ahjum, F. & Rodriguez, D.J. | Modelling the water energy nexus: Should variability in water supply impact on decision making for future energy supply options? Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences, 376, 3-8 |
2018 | Journal article | Hessler, T., Harrison, S.T. & Huddy, R.J. | Stratification of microbial communities throughout a biological sulphate reducing up-flow anaerobic packed bed reactor, revealed through 16S metagenomics. Research in Microbiology. |
2018 | Journal article | Petrik, L., Green, L., Abegunde, A.P., Zackon, M., Sanusi, C.Y. & Barnes, J. | Corrigendum: Desalination and seawater quality at Green Point, Cape Town: A study on the effects of marine sewage outfalls. South African Journal of Science 114 (1-2), 1-1 |
2018 | Journal article | Pott, R., Johnstone-Robertson, M., Verster, B., Rumjeet, S., Nkadimeng, L., Raper, T., Rademeyer, S. & Harrison, S.T. | Wastewater Biorefineries: Integrating Water Treatment and Value Recovery. The Nexus: Energy, Environment and Climate Change, 289-302 |
2018 | Journal article | Scott, D., Iipinge, K., Mfune, J., Muchadenyika, D., Makuti, O. & Ziervogel, G. | The Story of Water in Windhoek: A Narrative Approach to Interpreting a Transdisciplinary Process. Water 10 (10), 1366 |
2018 | Journal article | Chen, L., Tsui, T.H., Ekama, G.A., Mackey, H.R., Hao, T. & Chen, G. | Development of biochemical sulfide potential (BSP) test for sulfidogenic biotechnology application. Water Research 135, 231-240 |
2018 | Journal article | Wang, B., Wu, D., Ekama, G.A., Tsui, T.H., Jiang, F. & Chen, G.H. | Characterization of a new continuous gas-mixing sulfidogenic anaerobic bioreactor: Hydrodynamics and sludge granulation. Water Research 135, 251-261 |
2018 | Journal article | Tsui, T.-H., Ekama, G.A. & Chen, G. | Quantitative characterization and analysis of granule transformations: Role of intermittent gas sparging in a super high-rate anaerobic system. Water Research 139, 177-186 |
2018 | Journal article | Guo, G., Wu, D., Ekama, G.A., Hao, T., Mackey, H.R. & Chen, G. | Denitrifying sulfur conversion-associated EBPR: Effects of temperature and carbon source on anaerobic metabolism and performance. Water Research 141, 9-18 |
2018 | Journal article | Fell, J., Winter, K. & Pead, J. | Affordable digital water monitoring technology. IEEE CEM |
2018 | Journal article | Corin, K.C., Song, Z.G., Wiese, J.G. & O'Connor, C.T. | Effect of using different grinding media on the flotation of a base metal sulphide ore. Minerals Engineering |
2018 | Journal article | Edward, C., Kotsiopoulos, T. & Harrison, S.T. | Low-level thiocyanate concentrations impact on iron oxidation activity and growth of Leptospirillum ferriphilum through inhibition and adaptation. Research in Microbiology, 169(10), 576-581. |
2018 | Conference proceeding | Carden, K., Armitage, N., Winter, K., Fisher-Jeffes, L. & Mauck, B. | Addressing challenges and opportunities for implementing Water Sensitive Design in South Africa. Proceedings of WISA 2018 Biennial Conference and Exhibition, Cape Town, June 2018. |
2018 | Conference proceeding | Madonsela, B., Carden, K., Koop, S. & Van Leeuwen, C. | Using a diagnostic indicator assessment to understand sustainability transitions towards Water Sensitive Design in the City of Cape Town. Proceedings of WISA 2018 Biennial Conference and Exhibition, Cape Town, June 2018. |
2018 | Conference proceeding | Randall, D.G., Flanagan, C.P. | Development of a novel nutrient recovery urinal for on-site fertilizer production. Proceedings of WISA 2018 Biennial Conference and Exhibition, Cape Town, June 2018. |
2018 | Conference proceeding | Verster, B., Randall, D.G., Harrison, S. | Getting everyone – rich and poor – to use urine diversion dry toilets: moving to resource recovery and equitable sanitation in the South African context. Proceedings of 6th International Dry Toilet Conference, 22-24 August 2018, Tampere, Finland. |
2018 | Conference proceeding | Nsanzubuhoro, R., van Zyl. J.E. | Characterizing Leakage in a Real Transmission Main by Means of a Pipe Condition Assessment. Equipment WDSA/CCWI Joint Conference Proceedings 1 |
2018 | Conference proceeding | Mojonono D., Kotsiopoulos T., Harrison S.T.L. | Development of co-disposal methods for fine coal waste and coal waste rock to facilitate the prevention of acid mine drainage. Proceedings of ICARD -IMWA 2018, September 2018, Pretoria, South Africa |
2018 | Conference proceeding | Marais TS, Huddy R.J., van Hille, R.P., Harrison S.T.L. | The effect of temperature on the kinetics of sulphate reduction and sulphide oxidation in a semi-passive bioprocess for remediating acid rock drainage. Proceedings ICARD -IMWA 2018, September 2018, Pretoria, South Africa |
2018 | Conference proceeding | Harrison S.T.L., Slatter-Christie K. and Broadhurst J.L. | Integrating competing water needs of mining and mineral processing with the environment, community and economic activity in a mining-dominated catchment. Proceedings ICARD -IMWA 2018, September 2018, Pretoria, South Africa |
2018 | Conference proceeding | Guseva, O., Opitz, A.K.B., Broadhurst, J., Harrison, S.T., Bradshaw, D., Becker, M. | Fe-sulfide liberation and association as a proxy for acid rock drainage (ARD) test result interpretation. Proceedings ICARD -IMWA 2018, September 2018, Pretoria, South Africa |
2018 | Conference proceeding | Becker, M., Charikinya, E., Ntlhabane, S., Voigt, M., Broadhurst, J., Harrison, S.T., Bradshaw, D. | An integrated mineralogy-based modelling framework for the simultaneous assessment of plant operational parameters with acid rock drainage potential of tailings. Proceedings ICARD-IMWA 2018, September 2018, Pretoria, South Africa |
2018 | Conference proceeding | Stander, H-M., Harrison, S.T.L., Broadhurst, J.L. | Re-purposing of acid generating fine coal waste: An assessment and analysis of opportunities. Proceedings ICARD-IMWA 2018, September 2018, Pretoria, South Africa |
2018 | Conference proceeding | Moyo, A., Amaral Filho, J., Harrison S.T., Broadhurst, J. | Characterising the environmental risks of coal preparation wastes: A study of fine coal slurry waste and discards from South African collieries. Proceedings ICARD-IMWA 2018, September 2018, Pretoria, South Africa |
2018 | Conference proceeding | Sibanda, L.K., Broadhurst, J.L. | Exploring an alternative approach to mine waste management in the South African gold sector. Proceedings ICARD-IMWA 2018, September 2018, Pretoria, South Africa |
2018 | Conference proceeding | Opitz, A.K.B., Broadhurst, J.L., Harrison, S.T.L., Bradshaw, D.J., Becker, M. | Understanding mineralogy as a tool for acid rock drainage characterization. Proceedings ICARD-IMWA 2018, September 2018, Pretoria, South Africa |
2018 | Conference proceeding | Hessler T, Huddy R.J., Harrison S.T.L. | The preferential location of SRB between biofilm and planktonic communities, and reactor zones, in a well-performing acetate supplemented up-flow anaerobic packed bed reactor. Proceedings ICARD -IMWA 2018, September 2018, Pretoria, South Africa |
2018 | Conference proceeding | Gogela M., Opitz A., Smart M., Ntwampe S.K.O., Broadhurst J.L., Harrison S.T.L. | Tailoring the UCT biokinetic test for acid rock drainage potential to characterise stages of acid rock drainage potential. Proceedings of Sustainable Minerals '18, Windhoek, Namibia, 14-15 June 2018 |
2018 | Report | Bradshaw, D, Broadhurst, J, Harrison, S, Himunchul, A & Chicksen, B. | Transdisciplinary learning for a transformed future Green Mining: Beyond the Myth. Juta Law Occasional papers, Mineral Law in Africa Occasional Paper Series, Issue 2 |
2018 | Report | Broadhurst, J, Harrison, S & von Blottnitz, H. | Educating professionals and leaders for responsible mining in Africa: A post-graduate degree programme |
2018 | Working paper | Chicksen, B., Cole, M., Broadhurst, J., Meyer, H., Charikinya, E., Hoffman, A. & Viljoen, D. | Embedding the Sustainable Development Goals into Business Strategy and Action. Minerals to metals and Mineral Law in Africa |
2018 | Report | Carden, K., Armitage, N., Fisher-Jeffes, L., Winter, K., Mauck, B., Sanya, T., Bhikha, P., Kanyerere, T. & Gxokwe, S. | Challenges and opportunities for implementing Water Sensitive Design in South Africa Water Research Commission. |
2018 | Report | Carden, K., Fisher-Jeffes, L., Young, C., Barnes, J. & Winter, K. | Guidelines for greywater use and management in South Africa. Water Research Commission Research. |
2017 | Book chapter | Winter, K. | Interim measures towards sustainable drainage in the informal settlements of South Africa. In Charlesworth, S. & Booth, C. (eds). Sustainable Surface Water Management: A Handbook for SUDS. Wiley Blackwell, ISBN 978111889770. |
2017 | Book chapter | Young, C. & Maduekwe, N. | Water, Sanitation and Energy Access in South Africa and Nigeria. In Law as an instrument for the promotion of access to modern energy services for all. |
2017 | Book chapter | Pott, R.W.M., Johnstone-Robertson, M., Verster, B., Rumjeet, S., Nkadimeng, L., Raper, T., Rademeyer, S. & Harrison, S.T.L. | Wastewater biorefineries: integrating water treatment and value recovery. In The Nexus: Energy, Environment and Climate Change. Springer. |
2017 | Conference proceeding | Okedi, J., Armitage, N., Carden, K. & Mahinthakumar, K. | An investigation into the potential for catchment scale stormwater harvesting in Cape Town, South Africa. Proceedings of ICUD2017 conference, 10-15 September, Prague, Czech Republic. |
2017 | Conference proceeding | Fisher-Jeffes, L., Armitage, N., Carden, K., Winter, K. & Okedi, J. | Addressing water scarcity in South Africa through the use of LID. Proceedings of International Low Impact Development Conference 2016: Mainstreaming Green Infrastructure, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), p20-28. |
2017 | Conference proceeding | Edward, C.J.; Smart, M. & Harrison, S.T.L. | Recycling bioremediated cyanidation tailings wastewater within the biooxidation circuit for gold recovery: impact on process performance and water management. In Wolkersdorfer, C., Sartz, L., Sillanpää, M., Häkkinen, A. (Ed). 13th International Mine Water Association Congress – Minewater and Circular Economy, International Minewater Association 2017. pp 990-997 |
2017 | Conference proceeding | Marais, TS; Huddy, RJ; van Hille, RP; Harrison, STL. | Effect of operational parameters on the performance of an integrated semi- passive bioprocess. In: Wolkersdorfer C, Sartz L, Sillanpää M, Häkkinen A (Editors). 13th International Mine Water Association Congress – Minewater and Circular Economy, International Minewater Association 2017. pp 262-268 |
2017 | Conference proceeding | Hessler, T., Marais, T., Huddy, R. J., van Hille, R., & Harrison, S.T. | Comparative Analysis of the Sulfate-Reducing Performance and Microbial Colonisation of Three Continuous Reactor Configurations with Varying Degrees of Biomass Retention. In Solid State Phenomena (Vol. 262, pp. 638-642). Trans Tech Publications |
2017 | Conference proceeding | Amaral Filho, J.R., Weiler, J., Broadhurst, J.L. | The use of static and humidity cell tests to assess the effectiveness of coal waste desulfurization on acid rock drainage risk. Mine Water and the Environment, p1-7. |
2017 | Conference proceeding | Ssozi-Mugarura, F., Blake, E. & Rivett, U. | Codesigning with communities to support rural water management in Uganda. CoDesign Vol. 13(2), p110-126. |
2017 | Journal article | Fisher-Jeffes, L., Armitage, N. & Carden, K. | The viability of domestic rainwater harvesting in the residential areas of the Liesbeek River Catchment, Cape Town. WaterSA Vol 43(1), 551-560. |
2017 | Journal article | Fisher-Jeffes, L., Carden, K., Armitage, N.P., Winter, K. | Stormwater harvesting: Improving water security in South Africa’s urban areas. S Afr J Sci. Vol. 113(1/2), 4 pp. |
2017 | Journal article | Rohrer, A.R. & N.P. Armitage | Improving the viability of stormwater harvesting through rudimentary Real Time Control. Water 2017, 9, 371, 15 pp |
2017 | Journal article | Kantor, R.S., Huddy, R.J., Iyer, R., Thomas, B.C., Brown, C.T., Anantharaman, K., Tringe, S., Hettich, R.L., Harrison, S.T.L. & Banfield J.F. | Genome-resolved meta-omics ties microbial dynamics to process performance in biotechnology for thiocyanate degradation. Environmental Science and Technology 51(5), 2944-2953. |
2017 | Journal article | Kotsiopoulos, A. & Harrison, S.T.L. | Application of fine desulfurised coal tailings as a neutralising barrier in the prevention of acid rock drainage. Hydrometallurgy 168, 159-166. |
2017 | Journal article | Van Zyl, J.E., Malde, R. | Evaluating the pressure-leakage behaviour of leaks in water pipes. Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology – Aqua, Vol. 66 (5) 287 – 299. |
2017 | Journal article | Baleta, H. & Winter, K. | Towards a shared understanding of water security risks in the public and private sectors. International Journal of Water Resources Development, Vol. 33 (2). |
2017 | Journal article | Van Zyl, J.E., Lambert, A., & Collins, R. | Realistic modeling of leakage and intrusion flows through leak openings in pipes. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 143(9). |
2017 | Journal article | Kimberly, S., Flores-Alsina, X., Kazadi Mbamba, C., Ikumi, D., Volcke, E.I.P., Vaneeckhaute, C., Ekama, G., et al. | Plant-wide modelling of phosphorus transformations in wastewater treatment systems: Impacts of control and operational strategies. Water Research Vol.113, 97-110. |
2017 | Journal article | Marais, G., Ekama, G.A., & Wentzel, M.C. | Application of the activated sludge model to aerated lagoons. Water SA, Vol. 43(2), 238-257. |
2017 | Journal article | Sikosana, M., Randall, D. & von Blottnitz, H. A. | A technological and economic exploration of phosphate recovery from centralised sewage treatment in a transitioning economy context. Water SA, 43(2), 343-353. |
2017 | Journal article | Kabaasha,, A.M., Piller, O., van Zyl, J.E. | Incorporating the modified orifice equation into pipe network solvers for more realistic leakage modeling. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. |
2017 | Journal article | Sanya, T.A. | Pathways Approach to Sustainable Water Research. |
2017 | Journal article | Fisher-Jeffes L, Carden K. Armitage, N. | A water sensitive urban design framework for South Africa. Journal of Town & Regional Planning. |