Year Type Author(s) Title
2025 Journal Article Oyshi, FH., Czelusniak, E., Ahmed, R., Verweij, NM., Arefeen, A., Abrams, A., Carden, K., Carrasquillo, ME. An Investigative Analysis of Grassroots Environmental Justice Principles in Green Stormwater Infrastructure in USA and RSA. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. Volume 105, March (2025) 128721.
2025 Journal Article Mguni, P., Byskov Herslund, L., Abrams, AL., Carden, K., Tanyanyiwa, C., McLachlan, J., Schneuwly, R., Armitage, N. Scaling deep at the margins: coproduction of nature-based solutions as decolonial research praxis in Cape Town. NPJ Urban Sustainability 5,1 (2025).
2025 Journal Article Ahmed, T., Arora, S., Bhavsar, D., Carden, K., Bharmal, A., Dwivedi, A., Jahan, H., Kaupp, R., Mansuri, A., Medlicott, K., Mumba, N., Narayan, A., Pireh, H., Ronoh, P., Willetts, J., Yadav, U. Discussion Paper: Climate resilient urban sanitation: From ideas to action. IWA Publishing. 
2025 Journal Article Gutu, L., Ngobeni, P., Ayinde, WB., Ikumi, D., Mkilima, T., Basitere, .M Exploring the reuse of high-fat abattoir wastewater through sequential biological treatment in South Africa. Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering. Volume 11, June 2025, 101158.
2025 Journal Article Wilson, A., Black, G., Petersen, L., Dick, L., Ncube, S., Mpofu-Mketwa, T., Abrams, A., Carden, K., Piper, L., Dickie, J., Hamilton-Smith, N., Lamb, G.

Place-pedagogies of water stress. Global Social Challenges Journal. Pages 1-33

2025 Journal Article Tanyanyiwa, C.T.; Armitage, N.P.; Okedi, J. The Hydrological Impacts of Retrofitted Detention Ponds for
Urban Managed Aquifer Recharge in the Cape Flats,
South Africa. MDPI Water
2024 Journal Article Visser, M., Mulwa, C., Gitonga, Z., & Baard, M Weather uncertainty and demand for information in technology adoption: Case of Namibia. Journal of Behavioural and Experimental Economics. 
2024 Journal Article Thewlis. G., Armitage. N. Improving the water quality in the Zandvlei Estuary, Cape Town, by retrofitting sustainable drainage systems in the Diep River Catchment. Water SA 50(4) 365-383.
2024 Journal Article Shrikhande, SS., Ravivarman, L., Röösli, M., Dalvie, MA., Utzinger, J., Cissé, G. A review of climate change and cardiovascular diseases in the Indian policy context. Health Policy and Planning, 00:1-16
2024 Journal Article Horn, E.J., Huddy, R., Randall, D.G. Seeding improves the strength of bio-tiles grown with microbially induced calcium carbonate precipitation. Science of The Total Environment. 
2024 Policy brief Mabhaudhi, T., Hlahla, S., Mojapelo, M., Dlamini C., Podisi, B., Nhamo L., Mpandeli, S., Madzivhandila T. and Slotow, R. 

Diversifying the Agrifood System in South Africa: Mainstreaming neglected and underutilised crop species (NUS). 

Pietermaritzburg: Centre for Transformative Agricultural and Food Systems of the University of KwaZulu-Natal.

2024 Journal article Terrile, R., Martinez, N., Paz, N., Winter, K. and Tornaghi, C. 2024.

Urban food waste for soil amendment? Analysis and characterisation of waste-based compost for soil fertility management in agroecological horticultural production systems in the city of Rosario, Argentina.

2024 Journal article Baderoon, M. and Winter, K., 2024. Groundwater contaminant fluctuation at a landfill: a case study of the Coastal Park Landfill, Cape Town.
2024 Journal article Simha. P, Courtney. C and Randall. DG An urgent call for using real human urine in decentralized sanitation research and advancing protocols for preparing synthetic urine.
2024 Journal article Makgoba, .L, Abrams. A, Röösli, M., Cissé, G., and Dalvie, MA.  DDT contamination in water resources of some African countries and its impact on water quality and human health.
2024 Journal article Cohen, J.,  Høybye , M. , and Abrams, A.  

Experimenting with Water-Focused Participatory Research Methods: Toward New Forms of Question Asking in a Time of Socio-ecological Upheaval

2024 Journal article Abrams, A., Asmall, T., Hlahla, S., Carden, K. & Dalvie, M.A., Method and process towards developing a Health Vulnerability Index (HVI) for Extreme Weather Events (EWEs) for local residents in South Africa.
2024 Journal article Arinaitwe, M. & Okedi, J. IoT-based data and analytic hierarchy process to map groundwater recharge with stormwater.
2024 Journal article Maraj, K., Winter, K., Harrison, S.T. L.

The hydraulic characteristics of a subsurface flow stone biofilter for treating polluted runoff from an informal settlement. Water Supply (24), Issue 4:1254-1266.

2024 Journal article Mogano, M.M, & Okedi, J.  Towards a water sensitive precinct with stormwater harvesting, a case study in South Africa. IWA publication. Water Supply (2024)
2024 Journal article Brown, L, & Armitage, N. Evaluating the potential for denitrification in permeable interlocking concrete pavements. Water SA 50 (3) 253-260
2024 Journal article Cole, MJ. A Mine Closure Risk Rating System for South Africa. Mining, 4, 58-78.
2024 Journal article Visser, M., le Roux, L.& Mulwa, Chalmers K. & Tibesigwa, Byela & Bezabih, Mintewab Adaptive investment with land tenure and weather risk: Behavioral evidence from Tanzania.
2024 Journal article Arve, P.H., Mason, M., Randall, D.G., Simha, P., Popat, S.C. 

Concomitant urea stabilization and phosphorus recovery from source-separated fresh urine in magnesium anode-based peroxide-producing electrochemical cells. Water Research, Elsevier, vol.256, 121638

2023 Book chapter Flores-Alsina X, Solon K, Feldman H, Kazadi-Mbamba C, Fernández-Arévalo T, Grau P, Jeppsson U, Ikumi D, Gernaey K, Batstone D Implementation in plant-wide models. Generalised Physicochemical Model (PCM) for Wastewater Processes. IWA Publishing, London. 
2023 Book chapter Abrams, A., Cohen, J., Dannreuther, C. and Fraundorfer, M. Process: From kin to thing – The environmental and human death zones of European waters. Chapter 4, in Minority and Indigenous Trends 2023: Focus on Water. Minority Rights Group International, London, United Kingdom.
2023 Book chapter Visser, M., & Child, A. The announcement effect: Early warnings of future thresholds under different framing and risk contexts. Chapter 11, Pg 224-246 in Behavioural Economics and the Environment.
2022 Book chapter Fayemiwo, O. & Carden, K. Emerging contaminants: Approaches for policy and regulatory responses in low-income countries. Chapter 19, Pg 343-352 in Gwenzi, W. (ed), Emerging contaminants in Terrestrial and Aquatic Environments: Occurrence, Health risks and Mitigation. Elsevier. 
2022 Book chapter X Flores-Alsina, K Solon, H Feldman, C Kazadi-Mbamba, T Fernandez-Arevalo, P Grau, U Jeppsson, D Ikumi, KV Gernaey, DJ Batstone Implementation in Plant-wide models. Chapter 6, pp 61-76, in D Batstone, X Flores-Alsina, Generalized Physicochemical Model (PCM) for Wastewater Processes. Scientific and Technical Report Series No. 29. IWA Publishing, London, United Kingdom. ISBN 9781780409832
2022 Journal article Klege, R.A., Amuaka-Mensah, F., and Visser, M. Tenancy and energy choices in Rwanda. A replication and extension study. World Development Perspectives, Volumne 26, 100429
2022 Journal article Klege, R.A., Visser, M., Datta, S., and Darling, M. The Power of Nudging: Using Feedback, Competition, and Responsibility Assignment to Save Electricity in a Non- residential Setting. Environmental and Resource Economics, Volumne 81, pages 573–589 
2021 Book Swatuk, L., Brill, G., Büchner-Marais, C., Carden, K., Conradie, E., Day, J., Fatch, J., Fell, J., Hara, M. & Ncube, B. (eds) Towards the Blue-Green city: Building urban water resilience. WRC Report no. SP 153/21. Water Research Commission, Pretoria, South Africa.
2021 Book chapter Fell, J. & Carden, K.  A renewed technical agenda for integrated urban water management. Chapter 3, Pg 46-76, in Swatuk, L., Brill, G., Büchner-Marais, C., Carden, K., Conradie, E., Day, J., Fatch, J., Fell, J., Hara, M. & Ncube, B. (eds), Towards the Blue-Green city: Building urban water resilience. WRC Report no. SP 153/21. Water Research Commission, Pretoria, South Africa. ISBN 978-0-6392-0317-1.  
2021 Book chapter C Buchner-Marais, G Brill, C Lewis, M Visser The Economics of water: values and governance perspectives. Chapter 4 in Swatuk, L., Brill, G., Büchner-Marais, C., Carden, K., Conradie, E., Day, J., Fatch, J., Fell, J., Hara, M. & Ncube, B. (eds), Towards the Blue-Green city: Building urban water resilience. WRC Report no. SP 153/21. Water Research Commission, Pretoria, South Africa. ISBN 978-0-6392-0317-1.
2021 Book chapter Sanya, T., & Shefer, D. Water-Sensitive Design for Climate Resilience: Grounded Lessons from Cape Town. The Palgrave Handbook of Climate Resilient Societies, 287-320 
2021 Journal article Gwenzi W, Chaukura N, Muisa-Zikali N, Teta C, Musvuugwa T, Rzymski P,  Abia A.L.K.A Insects, Rodents, and Pets as Reservoirs, Vectors, and Sentinels of Antimicrobial Resistance. Antibiotics, 2021, 10 (1).
2021 Journal article T Asmall, A Abrams, M Röösli, G Cissé, K Carden, MA Dalvie The adverse health effects associated with drought in Africa. Science of The Total Environment 793, 148500
2021 Journal article Niki A Rust, Lucia Rehackova, Francis Naab, Amber Abrams, Courtney Hughes, Bethann Garramon Merkle, Beth Clark, Sophie Tindale What does the UK public want farmland to look like? 
2020 Book chapter Chitonge, H., Mokoena, A. and Kongo, M., Water and Sanitation Inequality in Africa: Challenges for SDG 6. In Africa and the Sustainable Development Goals Springer, Cham, 207 - 218. 
2020 Journal article Chipako, T.L., Randall, D.G. Urine treatment technologies and the importance of pH. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 8. 2020.
2020 Journal article Abrams, A., Falkenberg, T., Rautenbach, C., Moshabela, M., Shezi, B. van Ellewee, S., Street, R. The legislative landscape for Traditional Health Practitioners in Southern African Development Community Countries: a scoping review.
2020 Journal article Ikumi, D.S. and Harding, T.H., Kinetics of biological and chemical processes in anoxic-aerobic digestion of phosphorus rich waste activated sludge. Water Research, 171(2020).
2020 Journal article Chipako, T.L and Randall, D.G Investigating the feasibility and logistics of a decentralized urine treatment and resource recovery system. Journal of Water Process Engineering
2020 Journal article Gulamhussein, M and Randall, D.G Design and operation of plant microbial fuel cells using municipal sludge. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 38, p.101653.
2020 Journal article Cole, M.J and Broadhurst J.L Mapping and classification of mining host communities: a case study of South Africa. The Extractive Industries and Society, 7 (3), p 954-964.
2020 Journal article Kredo T, Cooper S, Abrams A, Muller J, Schmidt, BM, Volmink J, abd Atkins S. The legislative landscape for Traditional Health Practitioners in Southern African Development Community Countries: a scoping review. MBJ Journals
2020 Journal article Kredo T, Cooper S, Abrams A, Muller J, Schmidt, B.M, Volmink J, and Atkins S. ‘Building on shaky ground’—challenges to and solutions for primary care guideline implementation in four provinces in South Africa: a qualitative study.
2020 Journal article Cole, M.J and Broadhurst J.L Measuring the sustainable development goals (SDGs) in mining host communities: A South African case study. Science Direct Journal.
2020 Journal article Sanya, T Freshwater: Towards a Better Understanding of a Wicked Problem. International Journal of Environmental Science & Sustainable Development
2019 Journal article Street R., Moshabela M, Nzimande Abrams A, Medical pluralism in Africa: defining traditional health practitioners to ‘fit’ conventional healthcare systems. DOI: 10.1080/00020184.2020.1793662
2019 Book Harrison, S, Carden, K, Abrams, A, and Broadhurst, J (eds). Regenerative Water Futures. Cape Town: Juta.
2019 Book Nagao, M., Broadhurst,J., Edusah,S. and Awere,K. Sustainable Development in Africa Vol 2: Concepts and Methodological Approaches. Spears Media Press.
2019 Book Chitonge, H. and Mine, Y. eds., Land, the State and the Unfinished Decolonisation Project in Africa: Essays in Honour of Professor Sam Moyo. Langaa RPCIG.
2019 Book chapter Chitonge, H Customary Land in Zambia: The New Scramble and the Evolving Socio-political Relations. In Reclaiming Africa (pp. 203-223). Springer, Singapore
2019 Book chapter Abrams, A The Importance of Relationships when considering water policy and practices. Pp. 64 – 68. In Harrison, S., Carden, K., Abrams, A., Broadhurst, J. (eds.) & Mostert, H. (series editor) (2019). Regenerative water futures: Tensions around water scarcity and the mining industry. Mineral Law in Africa Occasional Paper Series, Issue 4. Juta, Cape Town. ISBN 978-1-48513-414-5.
2019 Book chapter Kudo, S., Kapfudzaruwa, F., Broadhurst, J.L., Edusah, S.E., Awere, K.G., Matsuyama, K., Nagao, M. and Mino, T., Moving towards Transdisciplinarity: Framing Sustainability Challenges in Africa. Sustainable Development in Africa: Concepts and Methodological Approaches, 5, p.1.
2019 Book chapter Carden, K. Enabling Regenerative Water Futures Through Developing Communities of Practice. pp. 10 -13. In Harrison, S., Carden, K., Abrams, A., Broadhurst, J. (eds.) & Mostert, H. (series editor) (2019). Regenerative water futures: Tensions around water scarcity and the mining industry. Mineral Law in Africa Occasional Paper Series, Issue 4. Juta, Cape Town. ISBN 978-1-48513-414-5.
2019 Book chapter Chitonge, H. Managing Scarce Water Resources: A shared value approach. Pp 68-69.In Harrison, S., Carden, K., Abrams, A., Broadhurst, J.(eds.) & Mostert, H. (series editor) (2019). Regenerative water futures: Tensions around water scarcity and the mining industry. Mineral Law in Africa Occasional Paper Series, Issue 4. Juta, Cape Town. ISBN 978-1-48513-414-5.
2019 Book chapter Cole, M. Water Access, Water Use and Mining in South Africa. Pp5 – 10 In Harrison, S., Carden, K., Abrams, A., Broadhurst, J. (eds.) & Mostert, H. (series editor) (2019). Regenerative water futures: Tensions around water scarcity and the mining industry. Mineral Law in Africa Occasional Paper Series, Issue 4. Juta, Cape Town. ISBN 978-1-48513-414-5.
2019 Book chapter Harrison, S. A Regenerative Water Future – a means to reducing tensions around water, especially in mining regions. Pp iv - 1 In Harrison, S., Carden, K., Abrams, A., Broadhurst, J. (eds.) & Mostert, H. (series editor) (2019). Regenerative water futures: Tensions around water scarcity and the mining industry. Mineral Law in Africa Occasional Paper Series, Issue 4. Juta, Cape Town. ISBN 978-1-48513-414-5. 
2019 Book chapter Harrison, S. The Re-Use of Water: Insights into multiple water use scenarios and the Waste Water Biorefinery – from sanitation to mine water. Pp 35 – 38. In Harrison, S., Carden, K., Abrams, A., Broadhurst, J. (eds.) & Mostert, H. (series editor) (2019). Regenerative water futures: Tensions around water scarcity and the mining industry. Mineral Law in Africa Occasional Paper Series, Issue 4. Juta, Cape Town. ISBN 978-1-48513-414-5.
2019 Book chapter Harrison, S. Chicksen, B. Water as a Central Player in Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Pp 2 - 3 In Harrison, S., Carden, K., Abrams, A., Broadhurst, J. (eds.) & Mostert, H. (series editor) (2019). Regenerative water futures: Tensions around water scarcity and the mining industry. Mineral Law in Africa Occasional Paper Series, Issue 4. Juta, Cape Town. ISBN 978-1-48513-414-5.
2019 Book chapter Hugo, P. D.W and Broadhurst, J. Water Accounting and Assessment for Mining Water Management: Key problems and future directions. Pp 22 – 24. In Harrison, S., Carden, K., Abrams, A., Broadhurst, J. (eds.) & Mostert, H. (series editor) (2019). Regenerative water futures: Tensions around water scarcity and the mining industry. Mineral Law in Africa Occasional Paper Series, Issue 4. Juta, Cape Town. ISBN 978-1-48513-414-5.
2019 Book chapter Mkhonza, A. Mining in Strategic Water Source Areas – Are our laws ready? Pp 13 – 16. In Harrison, S., Carden, K., Abrams, A., Broadhurst, J. (eds.) & Mostert, H. (series editor) (2019). Regenerative water futures: Tensions around water scarcity and the mining industry. Mineral Law in Africa Occasional Paper Series, Issue 4. Juta, Cape Town. ISBN 978-1-48513-414-5. 
2019 Book chapter Mkhonza, A. Improving the legal protection of strategic water source areas: a South African perspective. In Law| Environment| Africa (pp. 453-478). Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG.
2019 Book chapter Owen, G. Opportunities at the interface between wastewater recycling for potable uses and user acceptance: why meaningful engagement is critical. Pp 60 – 62. In Harrison, S., Carden, K., Abrams, A., Broadhurst, J. (eds.) & Mostert, H. (series editor) (2019). Regenerative water futures: Tensions around water scarcity and the mining industry. Mineral Law in Africa Occasional Paper Series, Issue 4. Juta, Cape Town. ISBN 978-1-48513-414-5.
2019 Book chapter Sanya, T. Mining Towns and Liveable Neighborhoods. Pp 46 – 48. In Harrison, S., Carden, K., Abrams, A., Broadhurst, J. (eds.) & Mostert, H. (series editor) (2019). Regenerative water futures: Tensions around water scarcity and the mining industry. Mineral Law in Africa Occasional Paper Series, Issue 4. Juta, Cape Town. ISBN 978-1-48513-414-5.
2019 Book chapter Solomon, M. An Economically Sustainable Integrated Biomass Energy Powered Water Purification Model for the Treatment of Large Volumes of Acid Mine Drainage. Pp 40 – 46. In Harrison, S., Carden, K., Abrams, A., Broadhurst, J. (eds.) & Mostert, H. (series editor) (2019). Regenerative water futures: Tensions around water scarcity and the mining industry. Mineral Law in Africa Occasional Paper Series, Issue 4. Juta, Cape Town. ISBN 978-1-48513-414-5.
2019 Book chapter Verster, B. and Carden, K. Sanitation, the Circular Economy and Mining: A case for regenerative resource cycles. Pp 62 – 64. In Harrison, S., Carden, K., Abrams, A., Broadhurst, J. (eds.) & Mostert, H. (series editor) (2019). Regenerative water futures: Tensions around water scarcity and the mining industry. Mineral Law in Africa Occasional Paper Series, Issue 4. Juta, Cape Town. ISBN 978-1-48513-414-5. 
2019 Book chapter Winter, K. Measuring and Monitoring Surface Water in South Africa: The imperative to act. Pp 51 – 53. In Harrison, S., Carden, K., Abrams, A., Broadhurst, J. (eds.) & Mostert, H. (series editor) (2019). Regenerative water futures: Tensions around water scarcity and the mining industry. Mineral Law in Africa Occasional Paper Series, Issue 4. Juta, Cape Town. ISBN 978-1-48513-414-5.
2019 Book chapter Broadhurst, J.L. The contribution of mining to clean water and sanitation (SDG 6): Case studies from South Africa. Education for Sustainable Development in Africa Workshop Series, Vol 1: Case Studies of Africa’s Sustainable Development
2019 Book chapter Stander, H-M. & Broadhurst, J.L. Reflections on method of expert interviews for research on sustainable development of mineral resources in Africa. Education for Sustainable Development in Africa Workshop Series Vol 2: Sustainable Development Research in Africa: Concepts, Theory and Methods.
2019 Book chapter Sinclair-Smith, K. and Winter, K., Water demand management in Cape Town: managing water security in a changing climate. Mainstreaming Climate Change in Urban Development: Lessons from Cape Town.
2019 Journal article McCall, B., Burton, J., Marquard, A., Hartley, F., Ahjum, F., Ireland, G. and Merven, B., Least-cost integrated resource planning and cost-optimal climate change mitigation policy: Alternatives for the South African electricity system. Energy Research.
2019 Journal article Taing, L., Chang, C.C., Pan, S. and Armitage, N.P., Towards a water secure future: reflections on Cape Town’s Day Zero crisis. Urban Water Journal, pp.1-7.
2019 Journal article Olaniyan, T., Dalvie, M.A., Röösli, M., Naidoo, R., Künzli, N., de Hoogh, K., Parker, B., Leaner, J. and Jeebhay, M., Asthma‐related outcomes associated with indoor air pollutants among schoolchildren from four informal settlements in two municipalities in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. Indoor air, 29(1), pp.89-100. 
2019 Journal article Fell, J., Pead, J., Winter, K. and Aziz, F., Advancing surface water flow measurement with low-cost smart sensors. IMIESA, 44(2), pp.44-47.
2019 Journal article Ikumi, D.S. and Ekama, G.A., Plantwide modelling–anaerobic digestion of waste sludge from parent nutrient (N and P) removal systems. Water SA, 45(3), pp.305-316.
2019 Journal article Lambert, S.E. and Randall, D.G., Manufacturing bio-bricks using microbial induced calcium carbonate precipitation and human urine. Water research, 160, pp.158-166.
2019 Journal article Madonsela, B., Koop, S., Van Leeuwen, K. and Carden, K., Evaluation of Water Governance Processes Required to Transition towards Water Sensitive Urban Design—An Indicator Assessment Approach for the City of Cape Town. Water, 11(2), p.292.
2019 Journal article Marais, T.S., Huddy, R., Harrison, S.T.L. and van Hille, R. Demonstration of simultaneous biological sulphate reduction and partial sulphide oxidation in a hybrid linear flow channel reactor. bioRxiv, 569269
2019 Journal article Mjonono, D., Harrison, S.T.L. and Kotsiopoulos, A., Supplementing structural integrity of waste rock piles through improved packing protocols to aid acid rock drainage prevention strategies. Minerals Engineering, 135, pp.13-20.
2019 Journal article Gobin, A., Sparks, D., Okedi, J., Armitage, N. and Ahjum, F., Assessing the energy and carbon footprints of exploiting and treating brackish groundwater in Cape Town. Water SA, 45(1), pp.63-74. 
2019 Journal article G. Owen, A. Abrams, K. Carden, C. Selala, B. Verster & S. Harrison. Exploring the socio-hydrological assessment of two small municipalities in the Western Cape. Water Wheel 18(5): 34 – 36. ISSN: 0258:224
2019 Journal article Goldin, J., Botha, J., Koatla, T., Anderson, J., Owen, G. & Lebese, A. Towards a gender sensitive vulnerability assessment for climate change: Lambani, Limpopo Province, South Africa. Journal of Human Geography. Volume 12. Number 1.
2019 Journal article Oodally, A., Gulamhussein, M. and Randall, D.G., Investigating the performance of constructed wetland microbial fuel cells using three indigenous South African wetland plants. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 32, p.100930.
2019 Journal article Ebrahim, W. and Randall, D.G., Implications of different toilet flushing solutions on the precipitation potential of urine. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 31, p.100847.
2019 Journal article Bolton, C.R. and Randall, D.G., Development of an integrated wetland microbial fuel cell and sand filtration system for greywater treatment. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 7(4), p.103249.
2019 Journal article Chipako, T.L. and Randall, D.G., Urinals for water savings and nutrient recovery: a feasibility study. Water SA, 45(2), pp.266-277.
2019 Journal article O'Farrell, P., Anderson, P., Culwick, C., Currie, P., Kavonic, J., McClure, A., ... Sanya, T. & Audouin, M. Towards resilient African cities: Shared challenges and opportunities towards the retention and maintenance of ecological infrastructure. Global Sustainability, 2.
2019 Conference paper Abrams, A., O’Neil, T. and Verster, B. STEMS2ifying Citizen Science and Interactive Engagements. REES (RESEARCH IN ENGINEERING EDUCATION) Conference (10 – 12 July 2019). Peer reviewed paper completed, unable to attend conference.
2019 Technical report Robertson, A., Armitage, N. and Zuidgeest, M.H.P., Stormwater runoff quality on an urban highway in South Africa. Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering, 61(2), pp.51-56.
2019 Technical report G. Owen, K. Carden, C. Selala, A. Abrams, B. Verster & S. Harrison. Prince Albert Municipality: A socio-hydrological assessment of water scarcity. SALGA position paper and summary report. August 2019 
2019 Technical report G. Owen, K. Carden, C. Selala, A. Abrams, B. Verster & S. Harrison Swartland Municipality: A socio-hydrological assessment of water scarcity. SALGA position paper and summary report. August 2019
2019 Technical report Gulamhussein, Oodally, A., M., Stevenson, J., Bhagwan, B., Randall, D.G., Turning municipal sludge beds into bio-power plants using sedimentation microbial fuel cells, Water Research Commission, Private Bag, X03, Gezina, 0031, South Africa. 
2019 Technical report Lambert, S., Mukhari, V., Randall, D.G., A nature inspired approach for producing bio-cements from urine – a continuation, Water Research Commission, Private Bag, X03, Gezina, 0031, South Africa.
2018 Book chapter Pott, R.W.M., Johnstone-Robertson, M., Verster, B., Rumjeet, S., Nkadimeng, L., Raper, T., Rademeyer, S., & Harrison, S.T.L. Wastewater biorefineries: integrating water treatment and value recovery. The Nexus: Energy, Environment and Climate Change. Springer
2018 Journal article Mannina, G., Cosenza, A. & Ekama, G. Mathematical modelling of greenhouse gas emissions from membrane bioreactors: A comprehensive comparison of two mathematical models. Bioresource technology 268, 107-115
2018 Journal article Mannina, G., Capodici, M., Cosenza, A., Di Trapani, D. & Ekama, G.A. Solids and Hydraulic Retention Time Effect on N2O Emission from Moving-Bed Membrane Bioreactors. Chemical Engineering & Technology 41 (7), 1294-1304
2018 Journal article Mannina, G., Cosenza, A. & Ekama, G.A. A comprehensive integrated membrane bioreactor model for greenhouse gas emissions. Chemical Engineering Journal 334, 1563-1572
2018 Journal article Ziervogel, G. Climate adaptation and water scarcity in Southern Africa. Current History
2018 Journal article Ahjum, F., Merven, B., Cullis, J., Goldstein, G., DeLaquil, P. & Stone, A. Development of a national water-energy system model with emphasis on the power sector for South Africa. Environmental Progress and Sustainable Energy 37(1), 132-147 
2018 Journal article Jordhus-Lier, D., Saaghus, A., Scott, D. & Ziervogel, G. Adaptation to flooding, pathway to housing or ‘wasteful expenditure’? Governance configurations and local policy subversion in a flood-prone informal settlement in Cape Town. Geoforum
2018 Journal article Ncongwane, M.C., Broadhurst, J.L. & Petersen, J. Assessment of the potential carbon footprint of engineered processes for the mineral carbonation of PGM tailings. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 77, 70-81 
2018 Journal article Mannina, G., Capodici, M., Cosenza, A., Di Trapani, D. & Ekama, G.A. The effect of the solids and hydraulic retention time on moving bed membrane bioreactor performance. Journal of Cleaner Production 170, 1305-1315
2018 Journal article Mannina, G., Ekama, G.A., Capodici, M., Cosenza, A., Di Trapani, D., Ødegaard, H. & van Loosdrecht, M.M. Influence of carbon to nitrogen ratio on nitrous oxide emission in an Integrated Fixed Film Activated Sludge Membrane BioReactor plant. Journal of Cleaner Production 176, 1078-1090
2018 Journal article Randall, D.G. & Naidoo, V. Urine: the liquid gold of wastewater. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 6 (2), 2627-2635. 
2018 Journal article Flanagan, C.P. & Randall, D.G. Development of a novel nutrient recovery urinal for on-site fertilizer production. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 6 (5),6344-6350.
2018 Journal article Henze, J. & Randall, D.G. Microbial induced carbonate precipitation at elevated pH values. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 6(4), 5008-5013.
2018 Journal article Mannina, G., Ekama, G.A., Capodici, M., Cosenza, A., Di Trapani, D. & Ødegaard, H. Integrated fixed-film activated sludge membrane bioreactors versus membrane bioreactors for nutrient removal: A comprehensive comparison. Journal of Environmental Management 226, 347-357 
2018 Journal article Pike, S.M., van Zyl, J.E. & Clayton, C.R. Scouring Damage to Buried Pipes Caused by Leakage Jets: Experimental Study. Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice 9 (4), 04018020
2018 Journal article Randall, D.G., Nathoo, J. Resource recovery by freezing: a thermodynamic comparison between a reverse osmosis brine, seawater and stored urine. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 26 (2018) 242-249.
2018 Journal article Pan, S.M., Armitage, N.P. & van Ryneveld, M. Assessing equity: a way to improve sanitation service delivery in South African informal settlements. Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development, 08.3, 429-438
2018 Journal article Sheni, N., Corin, K. & Wiese, J. Considering the effect of pulp chemistry during flotation on froth stability. Minerals Engineering 116, 15-23
2018 Journal article Kotsiopoulos, A. & Harrison, S.T. Co-disposal of benign desulfurised tailings with sulfidic waste rock to mitigate ARD generation: Influence of flow and contact surface. Minerals Engineering 116, 62-71
2018 Journal article Song, Z.G., Corin, K.C., Wiese, J.G. & O'Connor, C.T. Effect of different grinding media composition on the flotation of a PGM ore. Minerals Engineering 124, 74-76
2018 Journal article Liu, J., Long, H., Corin, K.C. & O'Connor, C.T. A study of the effect of grinding environment on the flotation of two copper sulphide ores. Minerals Engineering 122, 339-345
2018 Journal article Meyer, G., Frossard, E., Mäder, P., Nanzer, S., Randall, D.G., Udert, K.M. & Oberson, A. Water soluble phosphate fertilizers for crops grown in calcareous soils – an outdated paradigm for recycling phosphorus fertilizers? Plant and Soil 424 (1-2), 367-388 
2018 Journal article Cullis, J.D.S., Walker, N.J., Ahjum, F. & Rodriguez, D.J. Modelling the water energy nexus: Should variability in water supply impact on decision making for future energy supply options? Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences, 376, 3-8
2018 Journal article Hessler, T., Harrison, S.T. & Huddy, R.J. Stratification of microbial communities throughout a biological sulphate reducing up-flow anaerobic packed bed reactor, revealed through 16S metagenomics. Research in Microbiology.
2018 Journal article Petrik, L., Green, L., Abegunde, A.P., Zackon, M., Sanusi, C.Y. & Barnes, J. Corrigendum: Desalination and seawater quality at Green Point, Cape Town: A study on the effects of marine sewage outfalls. South African Journal of Science 114 (1-2), 1-1
2018 Journal article Pott, R., Johnstone-Robertson, M., Verster, B., Rumjeet, S., Nkadimeng, L., Raper, T., Rademeyer, S. & Harrison, S.T. Wastewater Biorefineries: Integrating Water Treatment and Value Recovery. The Nexus: Energy, Environment and Climate Change, 289-302
2018 Journal article Scott, D., Iipinge, K., Mfune, J., Muchadenyika, D., Makuti, O. & Ziervogel, G. The Story of Water in Windhoek: A Narrative Approach to Interpreting a Transdisciplinary Process. Water 10 (10), 1366
2018 Journal article Chen, L., Tsui, T.H., Ekama, G.A., Mackey, H.R., Hao, T. & Chen, G.  Development of biochemical sulfide potential (BSP) test for sulfidogenic biotechnology application. Water Research 135, 231-240
2018 Journal article Wang, B., Wu, D., Ekama, G.A., Tsui, T.H., Jiang, F. & Chen, G.H. Characterization of a new continuous gas-mixing sulfidogenic anaerobic bioreactor: Hydrodynamics and sludge granulation. Water Research 135, 251-261
2018 Journal article Tsui, T.-H., Ekama, G.A. & Chen, G. Quantitative characterization and analysis of granule transformations: Role of intermittent gas sparging in a super high-rate anaerobic system. Water Research 139, 177-186 
2018 Journal article Guo, G., Wu, D., Ekama, G.A., Hao, T., Mackey, H.R. & Chen, G. Denitrifying sulfur conversion-associated EBPR: Effects of temperature and carbon source on anaerobic metabolism and performance. Water Research 141, 9-18 
2018 Journal article Fell, J., Winter, K. & Pead, J.  Affordable digital water monitoring technology. IEEE CEM 
2018 Journal article Corin, K.C., Song, Z.G., Wiese, J.G. & O'Connor, C.T. Effect of using different grinding media on the flotation of a base metal sulphide ore. Minerals Engineering
2018 Journal article Edward, C., Kotsiopoulos, T. & Harrison, S.T. Low-level thiocyanate concentrations impact on iron oxidation activity and growth of Leptospirillum ferriphilum through inhibition and adaptation. Research in Microbiology, 169(10), 576-581.
2018 Conference proceeding Carden, K., Armitage, N., Winter, K., Fisher-Jeffes, L. & Mauck, B. Addressing challenges and opportunities for implementing Water Sensitive Design in South Africa. Proceedings of WISA 2018 Biennial Conference and Exhibition, Cape Town, June 2018.
2018 Conference proceeding Madonsela, B., Carden, K., Koop, S. & Van Leeuwen, C. Using a diagnostic indicator assessment to understand sustainability transitions towards Water Sensitive Design in the City of Cape Town. Proceedings of WISA 2018 Biennial Conference and Exhibition, Cape Town, June 2018. 
2018 Conference proceeding Randall, D.G., Flanagan, C.P. Development of a novel nutrient recovery urinal for on-site fertilizer production. Proceedings of WISA 2018 Biennial Conference and Exhibition, Cape Town, June 2018.
2018 Conference proceeding Verster, B., Randall, D.G., Harrison, S. Getting everyone – rich and poor – to use urine diversion dry toilets: moving to resource recovery and equitable sanitation in the South African context. Proceedings of 6th International Dry Toilet Conference, 22-24 August 2018, Tampere, Finland. 
2018 Conference proceeding Nsanzubuhoro, R., van Zyl. J.E. Characterizing Leakage in a Real Transmission Main by Means of a Pipe Condition Assessment. Equipment WDSA/CCWI Joint Conference Proceedings 1
2018 Conference proceeding Mojonono D., Kotsiopoulos T., Harrison S.T.L. Development of co-disposal methods for fine coal waste and coal waste rock to facilitate the prevention of acid mine drainage. Proceedings of ICARD -IMWA 2018, September 2018, Pretoria, South Africa
2018 Conference proceeding Marais TS, Huddy R.J., van Hille, R.P., Harrison S.T.L. The effect of temperature on the kinetics of sulphate reduction and sulphide oxidation in a semi-passive bioprocess for remediating acid rock drainage. Proceedings ICARD -IMWA 2018, September 2018, Pretoria, South Africa
2018 Conference proceeding Harrison S.T.L., Slatter-Christie K. and Broadhurst J.L. Integrating competing water needs of mining and mineral processing with the environment, community and economic activity in a mining-dominated catchment. Proceedings ICARD -IMWA 2018, September 2018, Pretoria, South Africa
2018 Conference proceeding Guseva, O., Opitz, A.K.B., Broadhurst, J., Harrison, S.T., Bradshaw, D., Becker, M. Fe-sulfide liberation and association as a proxy for acid rock drainage (ARD) test result interpretation. Proceedings ICARD -IMWA 2018, September 2018, Pretoria, South Africa
2018 Conference proceeding Becker, M., Charikinya, E., Ntlhabane, S., Voigt, M., Broadhurst, J., Harrison, S.T., Bradshaw, D. An integrated mineralogy-based modelling framework for the simultaneous assessment of plant operational parameters with acid rock drainage potential of tailings. Proceedings ICARD-IMWA 2018, September 2018, Pretoria, South Africa 
2018 Conference proceeding Stander, H-M., Harrison, S.T.L., Broadhurst, J.L. Re-purposing of acid generating fine coal waste: An assessment and analysis of opportunities. Proceedings ICARD-IMWA 2018, September 2018, Pretoria, South Africa
2018 Conference proceeding Moyo, A., Amaral Filho, J., Harrison S.T., Broadhurst, J. Characterising the environmental risks of coal preparation wastes: A study of fine coal slurry waste and discards from South African collieries. Proceedings ICARD-IMWA 2018, September 2018, Pretoria, South Africa
2018 Conference proceeding Sibanda, L.K., Broadhurst, J.L. Exploring an alternative approach to mine waste management in the South African gold sector. Proceedings ICARD-IMWA 2018, September 2018, Pretoria, South Africa 
2018 Conference proceeding Opitz, A.K.B., Broadhurst, J.L., Harrison, S.T.L., Bradshaw, D.J., Becker, M. Understanding mineralogy as a tool for acid rock drainage characterization. Proceedings ICARD-IMWA 2018, September 2018, Pretoria, South Africa
2018 Conference proceeding Hessler T, Huddy R.J., Harrison S.T.L. The preferential location of SRB between biofilm and planktonic communities, and reactor zones, in a well-performing acetate supplemented up-flow anaerobic packed bed reactor. Proceedings ICARD -IMWA 2018, September 2018, Pretoria, South Africa
2018 Conference proceeding Gogela M., Opitz A., Smart M., Ntwampe S.K.O., Broadhurst J.L., Harrison S.T.L. Tailoring the UCT biokinetic test for acid rock drainage potential to characterise stages of acid rock drainage potential. Proceedings of Sustainable Minerals '18, Windhoek, Namibia, 14-15 June 2018
2018 Report Bradshaw, D, Broadhurst, J, Harrison, S, Himunchul, A & Chicksen, B. Transdisciplinary learning for a transformed future Green Mining: Beyond the Myth. Juta Law Occasional papers, Mineral Law in Africa Occasional Paper Series, Issue 2 
2018 Report Broadhurst, J, Harrison, S & von Blottnitz, H. Educating professionals and leaders for responsible mining in Africa: A post-graduate degree programme
2018 Working paper Chicksen, B., Cole, M., Broadhurst, J., Meyer, H., Charikinya, E., Hoffman, A. & Viljoen, D. Embedding the Sustainable Development Goals into Business Strategy and Action. Minerals to metals and Mineral Law in Africa
2018 Report Carden, K., Armitage, N., Fisher-Jeffes, L., Winter, K., Mauck, B., Sanya, T., Bhikha, P., Kanyerere, T. & Gxokwe, S. Challenges and opportunities for implementing Water Sensitive Design in South Africa Water Research Commission.
2018 Report Carden, K., Fisher-Jeffes, L., Young, C., Barnes, J. & Winter, K. Guidelines for greywater use and management in South Africa. Water Research Commission Research.
2017 Book chapter Winter, K.  Interim measures towards sustainable drainage in the informal settlements of South Africa. In Charlesworth, S. & Booth, C. (eds). Sustainable Surface Water Management: A Handbook for SUDS. Wiley Blackwell, ISBN 978111889770. 
2017 Book chapter Young, C. & Maduekwe, N. Water, Sanitation and Energy Access in South Africa and Nigeria. In Law as an instrument for the promotion of access to modern energy services for all.
2017 Book chapter Pott, R.W.M., Johnstone-Robertson, M., Verster, B., Rumjeet, S., Nkadimeng, L., Raper, T., Rademeyer, S. & Harrison, S.T.L. Wastewater biorefineries: integrating water treatment and value recovery. In The Nexus: Energy, Environment and Climate Change. Springer.
2017 Conference proceeding Okedi, J., Armitage, N., Carden, K. & Mahinthakumar, K. An investigation into the potential for catchment scale stormwater harvesting in Cape Town, South Africa. Proceedings of ICUD2017 conference, 10-15 September, Prague, Czech Republic. 
2017 Conference proceeding Fisher-Jeffes, L., Armitage, N., Carden, K., Winter, K. & Okedi, J. Addressing water scarcity in South Africa through the use of LID. Proceedings of International Low Impact Development Conference 2016: Mainstreaming Green Infrastructure, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), p20-28.
2017 Conference proceeding Edward, C.J.; Smart, M. & Harrison, S.T.L. Recycling bioremediated cyanidation tailings wastewater within the biooxidation circuit for gold recovery: impact on process performance and water management. In Wolkersdorfer, C., Sartz, L., Sillanpää, M., Häkkinen, A. (Ed). 13th International Mine Water Association Congress – Minewater and Circular Economy, International Minewater Association 2017. pp 990-997
2017 Conference proceeding Marais, TS; Huddy, RJ; van Hille, RP; Harrison, STL. Effect of operational parameters on the performance of an integrated semi- passive bioprocess. In: Wolkersdorfer C, Sartz L, Sillanpää M, Häkkinen A (Editors). 13th International Mine Water Association Congress – Minewater and Circular Economy, International Minewater Association 2017. pp 262-268
2017 Conference proceeding Hessler, T., Marais, T., Huddy, R. J., van Hille, R., & Harrison, S.T. Comparative Analysis of the Sulfate-Reducing Performance and Microbial Colonisation of Three Continuous Reactor Configurations with Varying Degrees of Biomass Retention. In Solid State Phenomena (Vol. 262, pp. 638-642). Trans Tech Publications 
2017 Conference proceeding Amaral Filho, J.R., Weiler, J., Broadhurst, J.L. The use of static and humidity cell tests to assess the effectiveness of coal waste desulfurization on acid rock drainage risk. Mine Water and the Environment, p1-7.
2017 Conference proceeding Ssozi-Mugarura, F., Blake, E. & Rivett, U. Codesigning with communities to support rural water management in Uganda. CoDesign Vol. 13(2), p110-126. 
2017 Journal article Fisher-Jeffes, L., Armitage, N. & Carden, K. The viability of domestic rainwater harvesting in the residential areas of the Liesbeek River Catchment, Cape Town. WaterSA Vol 43(1), 551-560.
2017 Journal article Fisher-Jeffes, L., Carden, K., Armitage, N.P., Winter, K. Stormwater harvesting: Improving water security in South Africa’s urban areas. S Afr J Sci. Vol. 113(1/2), 4 pp. 
2017 Journal article Rohrer, A.R. & N.P. Armitage Improving the viability of stormwater harvesting through rudimentary Real Time Control. Water 2017, 9, 371, 15 pp 
2017 Journal article Kantor, R.S., Huddy, R.J., Iyer, R., Thomas, B.C., Brown, C.T., Anantharaman, K., Tringe, S., Hettich, R.L., Harrison, S.T.L. & Banfield J.F. Genome-resolved meta-omics ties microbial dynamics to process performance in biotechnology for thiocyanate degradation. Environmental Science and Technology 51(5), 2944-2953.
2017 Journal article Kotsiopoulos, A. & Harrison, S.T.L. Application of fine desulfurised coal tailings as a neutralising barrier in the prevention of acid rock drainage. Hydrometallurgy 168, 159-166. 
2017 Journal article Van Zyl, J.E., Malde, R. Evaluating the pressure-leakage behaviour of leaks in water pipes. Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology – Aqua, Vol. 66 (5) 287 – 299.
2017 Journal article Baleta, H. & Winter, K. Towards a shared understanding of water security risks in the public and private sectors. International Journal of Water Resources Development, Vol. 33 (2). 
2017 Journal article Van Zyl, J.E., Lambert, A., & Collins, R. Realistic modeling of leakage and intrusion flows through leak openings in pipes. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 143(9).
2017 Journal article Kimberly, S., Flores-Alsina, X., Kazadi Mbamba, C., Ikumi, D., Volcke, E.I.P., Vaneeckhaute, C., Ekama, G., et al. Plant-wide modelling of phosphorus transformations in wastewater treatment systems: Impacts of control and operational strategies. Water Research Vol.113, 97-110. 
2017 Journal article Marais, G., Ekama, G.A., & Wentzel, M.C. Application of the activated sludge model to aerated lagoons. Water SA, Vol. 43(2), 238-257.
2017 Journal article Sikosana, M., Randall, D. & von Blottnitz, H. A. A technological and economic exploration of phosphate recovery from centralised sewage treatment in a transitioning economy context. Water SA, 43(2), 343-353. 
2017 Journal article Kabaasha,, A.M., Piller, O., van Zyl, J.E. Incorporating the modified orifice equation into pipe network solvers for more realistic leakage modeling. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 
2017 Journal article Sanya, T.A. Pathways Approach to Sustainable Water Research.
2017 Journal article Fisher-Jeffes L, Carden K. Armitage, N. A water sensitive urban design framework for South Africa. Journal of Town & Regional Planning.