Megan Lukas-Sithole

Megan Lukas-Sithole joined the Future Water Institute in January 2022 as a Postdoctoral Fellow to work on UCT’s Sustainable Campus project and a project working towards an implementation guideline for managed aquifer recharge (MAR) in combination with blue-green infrastructure (BGI) at local settlement level. Her previous Postdoctoral Fellowship was with the African Climate and Development Initiative, working as the Chapter Scientist for Chapter 17 (Decision-Making Options for Managing Risk) of the IPCC’s 6th Assessment Report. For her PhD, she did an ethnographic study on the everyday sustainability practices of people living in Nyanga, Cape Town. Prior to her PhD, Megan worked at the City of Cape Town in the field of Environmental Management. Her qualifications include a BSc in Environmental and Geographical Science (UCT), PG Dip in Environmental Law (UCT), and MPhil in Environmental Management (Stellenbosch University).